
Build Your Network, Build Your Confidence - Recent News


Posted by: Kristine Bridges on Feb 26, 2020

Kristine BridgesKristine H. Bridges
Loss Prevention Counsel, Thompson Coburn LLP

Originally published in the May 2019 issue of the St. Louis Lawyer magazine.  View in the archives.

Scenario No. 1: You are a young lawyer, fresh out of law school and eager to make a name for yourself. That curmudgeon of partners has asked you to go to the courthouse and get a case continued in front of a judge you have never met, but have heard is mean as a snake. Sound familiar?

Scenario No. 2: You are a seasoned attorney who has been litigating for years. You have to appear before a newly appointed judge that you have heard is real gamer. You have no idea how to approach this youngster in the black robe. Sound familiar?

How can you, the young associate, communicate with the curmudgeon partner or the mean as a snake judge? How can you, the seasoned attorney, communicate with this youngster?

BAMSL to the rescue.

BAMSL provides many opportunities for attorneys of all ages, skill levels and practice areas to meet and socialize in a relaxed setting where you can get to know one another.

Law Day

Held annually at the beginning of May (this year May 2), this is a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process contribute to the freedoms that all Americans share. Law Day also provides an opportunity to recognize the role of courts in democracy and the importance of jury service to maintaining the integrity of the courts.

Bench & Bar

Bench & Bar is an annual conference (this year May 29-31) held at Camden on the Lake Resort at the Lake of the Ozarks. The three-day event includes CLEs on a broad range of topics, a golf tournament, exclusive receptions, entertainment and parties. It is the perfect atmosphere to socialize and network with fellow attorneys and judges.

Golf Tournament

The BAMSL Golf Tournament, held annually in June (this year June 10), allows BAMSL to show its appreciation to its members by focusing the event on fun, collegiality and, of course, great prizes and giveaways. It also helps raise money for the Saint Louis Bar Foundation, which supports numerous BAMSL charitable initiatives.

Rendezvous on the Roof

Held annually in June (this year June 19), this is a free happy hour for BAMSL members and this year's event is at a new venue: in the Caramel Room at Bissinger's building. Enjoy a cocktail and a fantastic view.

Member Holiday Party

The annual Member Holiday Party kicks off the legal holiday season of celebrations with a complimentary party for BAMSL members and a guest. The party is held at the beautiful BAMSL offices in downtown St. Louis and includes free food, beverages, valet parking, camaraderie and holiday merriment.

Back to our scenarios.

Scenario No. 1: You realize the curmudgeon partner is not a curmudgeon after all. You sat next to each other at the firm table during Law Day and gained valuable insight and wisdom from his years of experience.

You played in the BAMSL golf tournament with the mean as a snake judge and guess what? That judge is not mean and, in fact, you got some pointers on your game. Now going to court to get that case continued is not as scary as it once seemed.

Scenario No. 2: You realize that youngster in the black robe likes to play retro video games from your era. Who knew? Well you did after you and the judge had a discussion during Bench & Bar about video games. You also learned at Rendezvous on the Roof that you and the judge like the same brand of beer. Now appearing before that judge is more comfortable.

There is always room to grow, whether you are fresh out of law school or a seasoned attorney. Let BAMSL help you grow. After all, BAMSL is about Building Better Lawyers.



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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.