Signature Events

BAMSL hosts a number of events throughout the year. Below is more information about our biggest and most popular events.

Law Day

Law Day, held annually at the beginning of May, is a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process contribute to the freedoms that all Americans share. Law Day also provides an opportunity to recognize the role of courts in democracy and the importance of jury service to maintaining the integrity of the courts.

Every year, BAMSL kicks off the start of our bar year with a Law Day Celebration and Annual Meeting. During the celebration, an awards ceremony is held, the incoming Board of Governors is sworn in, and a luncheon is held featuring a keynote speaker.

Bench & Bar Conference 2025

Bench & Bar is an annual conference held at Camden on the Lake Resort at the Lake of the Ozarks. The three-day event includes CLEs on a broad range of topics, a golf tournament, exclusive receptions, entertainment and parties. It is the perfect atmosphere to socialize and network with fellow attorneys and judges.

Judicial Retirement Dinner 2025

The Judicial Retirement Dinner, hosted by the BAMSL Trial Section, honors retiring judges each year. Guests enjoy cocktails, dinner, laughs and complimentary valet parking.

Golf Tournament

The BAMSL Golf Tournament, held annually in June, allows BAMSL to show its appreciation to its members by focusing the event on fun, collegiality and of course, great prizes and giveaways. It also helps raise money for the St. Louis Bar Foundation, which supports numerous BAMSL charitable initiatives.

Gallery of Legal Pioneers

BAMSL's diverse members have made tremendous contributions to the legal profession and the global community. To that end BAMSL and its Minorities in the Legal Profession (MILP) Section began officially preserving the history of diverse attorneys and judges who were pioneering "famous firsts" or paved the way for countless others to achieve success in the Missouri legal community. The contributions of these diverse firsts were recognized by placing their photos on the Legal Pioneer Wall of Fame as a reminder of their contributions.

Corporate Counsel Institute (CCI)

Each May, BAMSL partners with the Association of Corporate Counsel, St. Louis Chapter, to present the Corporate Counsel Institute (CCI). CCI offers a full day of CLE programming and networking geared toward in-house attorneys.

Member Holiday Party 2024

The annual Member Holiday Party kicks off the legal holiday season of celebrations with a complimentary party for BAMSL members and a guest. The party is held at the beautiful BAMSL offices in downtown St. Louis and includes free food, beverages, valet parking, camaraderie and holiday merriment.


BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.