
MCLE Requirements for Missouri and Illinois

Missouri MCLE Requirements

Missouri requires a total of 15 hours of CLE programs or activities that includes at least three hours of professionalism, substance abuse, mental health, legal or judicial ethics, malpractice prevention, explicit or implicit bias, diversity, inclusion, or cultural competency; and at least one of the three ethics credit hours must be devoted exclusively to explicit or implicit bias, diversity, inclusion, or cultural competency. Up to six hours of the general requirement may be completed through on-demand or self-study programs, but ethics and elimination of bias hours may not be completed through on-demand or self-study programs.

BAMSL is an accredited MCLE provider in Missouri.

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Illinois MCLE Requirements

Illinois attorneys must complete 30 total hours, including at least six hours of professional responsibility (PR), over the course of a two year reporting period. However, of those six hours, Illinois attorneys must complete one hour of diversity/inclusion PR and one hour of mental health/substance abuse PR. If you are newly admitted attorney you may have different requirements.

BAMSL does not routinely get seminars accredited in Illinois. Accreditation may be sought for some seminars upon request. BAMSL's CLE staff is also available to assist attorneys in seeking Illinois credit for a Missouri accredited seminar. Please contact BAMSL CLE Manager Sebrina Colvin for assistance.

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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.