
Communication is Key - Recent News


Posted by: Kristine Bridges on Apr 8, 2020

Kristine BridgesKristine H. Bridges
Loss Prevention Counsel, Thompson Coburn LLP

Originally published in the December 2019 issue of the St. Louis Lawyer magazine.  View in the archives.

If you are reading this article, you are already aware of one of BAMSL's core communications tools — the St. Louis Lawyer magazine. BAMSL communicates with its members through publications, such as this and the St. Louis Bar Journal, social media, the Web site (for the general public and the members-only section), the weekly LegalPulseSTL e-newsletter, the weekly CLE Bulletin email, customized emails and even through media relations. So how do these forms of communications assist the average BAMSL member and help to Build Better Lawyers?

Imagine you are a young lawyer trying to make a name for yourself. What better way to accomplish this than to write an article for the St. Louis Lawyer? Not only can you shine in your writing, but your photo, title and law firm appear with the article. Instant notoriety. Now lawyers both within your firm and outside your firm know who you are. The St. Louis Lawyer is delivered free 12 times a year to members. It is packed with features about members, a message from the current president, book and restaurant reviews and much more.

Next, imagine you get a new case on a topic of law you wish you knew more about. Enter the St. Louis Bar Journal. This journal is published quarterly and each issue focuses on a specific topic of law. Previous editions can be found on BAMSL's Web site (you must be logged in as a member). The St. Louis Bar Journal also is mailed free to members. 

Speaking of the Web site, there is plenty of information to be gleaned from BAMSL's recently redesigned Web site ( You can look up other lawyers, register for all of BAMSL events and CLEs, see what firms might be looking to hire or even renew your membership.

Want to know about upcoming events and CLEs that BAMSL sponsors? Take a look at the BAMSL web site, the latest edition of the St. Louis Lawyer, the weekly LegalPulseSTL e-newsletter that is sent on Tuesdays and the weekly CLE Bulletin sent on Thursdays. There is always something going on at BAMSL and all of these communications will bring you up to date on upcoming events. You also can follow BAMSL on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram to keep in touch that way. 

Communication is one of the five main concepts of the Building Better Lawyers slogan for BAMSL. In January of this year, I wrote the initial article, "What Does Building Betters Lawyers Mean and Why Should I Care?" This is the final article of the series. We covered the five general categories throughout the year — Individual Development, Networking/Social, Member Support in Practice, Community Service and Philanthropy, and Communication. Hopefully, each article offered you something to assist you in your practice, encouraged you to attend a BAMSL event or just reminded you that BAMSL has a lot to offer its members.

BAMSL truly is Building Better Lawyers.



The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, the Saint Louis Bar Foundation or BAMSL’s Board of Governors. Acceptance of advertising and new product information does not imply endorsement of products or services advertised or listed nor statements concerning them.

Media Inquiries

All media inquiries should be directed to We can also assist with arranging interviews, understanding matters of established programs and procedures, finding background information and connecting with legal experts in various practice areas and issues of substantive law.


BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.