
Help Us Feed The Community - Recent News


Posted by: Sara Neill & Carol Jackson on Apr 17, 2020

Dear BAMSL Members,

Many of you are seeking ways to assist those in our community who are in desperate need of food right now. Our St. Louis Attorneys Against Hunger Committee has some opportunities for you to donate food or help fund local efforts to feed area schoolchildren and their families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. There also are opportunities to volunteer your time — the organizations are providing masks and gloves for your safety.

  • St. Louis Area Food Bank has created a virtual food drive specifically for BAMSL members to donate food directly from your computer. Please visit (Note: This virtual food drive will continue indefinitely for BAMSL members to donate.) BAMSL members also are encouraged to volunteer to pack food. You may schedule the time that works best for you at Additionally, if anyone already has food to donate, please contact Jessica Murphy at To learn more about how St. Louis Area Food Bank is responding to the crisis, please visit
  • Step It Up, Inc., is a charity run by BAMSL member Beth Boggs from Boggs, Avellino, Lach & Boggs. The usual mission is to provide free shoes and socks to underprivileged children in St. Louis. In light of the crisis, they have pivoted to providing food to families that have lost their food programs due to school closures. She is in need of volunteers on Mondays and Wednesdays to help deliver the meals to the designated libraries for distribution. The food is picked up at 8 a.m. and needs to be delivered by 9:30 a.m. To volunteer or for more information, call Nick Johnston at (314) 726-2310 or email him at
  • The St. Louis Attorneys Against Hunger initiative also is accepting donations during the crisis. The Attorneys Against Hunger fundraising efforts support St. Louis Area Food Bank, Step It Up, Operation Food Search, Meals on Wheels and St. Patrick Center. Donations can be made at (please select St. Louis Attorneys Against Hunger under "Fund" and, if desired, add the organization you wish your funds to be designated to in the "Donor Comments" section).

Thank you for your continued support to assist those in our community who need it most.


Sara G. Neill
BAMSL President (2019-20)

Hon. Carol Jackson
BAMSL St. Louis Attorneys Against Hunger Committee Chair



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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.