
The Story of How Running Changed My Life - Recent News


Posted by: Christian Misner on Sep 30, 2020

Christian T. MisnerChristian T. Misner
Attorney, Donner Applewhite, Attorneys at Law

Look for the full article published in the October 2020 issue of the St. Louis Lawyer magazine.  View in the archives.

My father, his twin brother, and my older brother were all excellent runners. My uncle graces the running Hall of Fame at Florida State University.

Following in their footsteps, I joined the cross-country team in high school and never looked back. I didn't have to, nobody was there. The good and mediocre runners were all in front of me. I didn't run after high school.

Sometime in my early 40's, my doctor told me I needed to control my weight. She was right. The years of sitting at a desk, poor diet, and law school had taken their toll.

I decided to start exercising again. I found myself a good pair of running shoes, laced them up and ran about a mile. Over the next few weeks, I ran further. I now run hundreds of miles a year.

As lawyers, we convince people to adopt a specific viewpoint. But as it turns out, we're pretty good at convincing ourselves too. I convinced myself I wasn't a good runner like my father, uncle, and brother.

I had to suspend my disbelief before I would try something new. That changed my physical (and mental) health completely.

Have you ever wanted to try something physical? You can take the first step before going to bed tonight. Make a phone call to order a fancy stationary bike; email a friend for a tennis date; ask someone you like to go for a walk in the woods. Whatever it is, take the first step right now. By tomorrow morning, you could be embarking upon a journey that will change your life forever.



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