
BAMSL to Celebrate Law Day 2021 on Sept. 9 - Recent News


Posted by: Susan Sagarra on Aug 1, 2021

Originally published in the August 2021 issue of the St. Louis Lawyer magazine. View in the archives.

Join BAMSL and journalist George Will at the Four Seasons on September 9, 2021, for Law Day 2021

BAMSL's 2021 Law Day and Annual Meeting was rescheduled to 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 9 at the Four Seasons Hotel (999 N. 2nd Street, St. Louis, MO 63102). The day includes an awards presentation, lunch and celebratory swearing-in of BAMSL's 2021-22 Officers and Board of Governors, as well as the traditional passing of the gavel from past presidents to 2021-22 President Bob Tomaso. The afternoon concludes with a special reception at 1:30 p.m. for Sustaining Partners, Law Day Sponsors, Sustaining Members and Ambassadors.

This year's featured speaker will be Journalist George F. Will, who has graciously rescheduled several times during 2020 and 2021 to be able to join BAMSL's celebration.

Please visit and check your mail for the formal invitation for more details.

Susan SagarraSusan E. Sagarra
Assistant Executive Director, Membership and Marketing
The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis

George WillBAMSL's Law Day speaker for 2021 is George Will, an American political commentator. He writes regular columns for The Washington Post and provides commentary for NBC News and MSNBC. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1977.

He said he is approaching writing 6,000 columns over the course of his career.

Will, who is from Champaign, Ill., graduated from Trinity College with a B.S. in religion. He then studied philosophy, politics and economics and earned bachelor’s and master's degrees from Oxford University before receiving a Ph.D. in political science at Princeton University. He taught political philosophy at the James Madison College of Michigan State University and at the University of Toronto. He went on to teach at Harvard University.

Will served as an editor for National Review and Newsweek. He also has been a contributor on Fox News, ABC News, MSNBC and NBC News.

Will also has a long-standing interesting in the law and the rule of law.

"When I left Oxford, I applied to law school but also applied to Princeton," Will said. "I was interested in being a lawyer but I also was interested in philosophy."

He also has a lifelong passion for baseball and even has written three books about the game of baseball, proudly calling himself a Chicago Cubs fan who is coming into St. Louis Cardinals territory.

"I've never stopped being a baseball obsessive," said Will, who is a season ticketholder for the Washington Nationals. "I grew up basically between St. Louis and Chicago so it could have gone either way but I am a Chicago Cubs fan. And I realize I'm coming into Cardinals territory, but it's a great baseball town and I appreciate that."

ABA Law Day 2021 theme is Advancing the Rule of Law Now

Law Day is officially held on May 1 every year to celebrate the role of law in our society and to cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal profession. The 2021 Law Day theme is "Advancing the Rule of Law Now."

The rule of law is the bedrock of American rights and liberties — in times of calm and unrest alike. The 2021 Law Day theme reminds all of us that we the people share the responsibility to promote the rule of law, defend liberty, and pursue justice. For more information about the theme, please visit



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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.