
Reflections from the Minorities in the Legal Profession (MILP) Committee - Recent News


Posted by: Brandon Jackson on Feb 1, 2022

Brandon JacksonBrandon Jackson
Staff Attorney, ArchCity Defenders
Chair (2021-22), BAMSL Minorities in the Legal Profession (MILP) Section

Originally published in the February 2022 issue of the St. Louis Lawyer magazine. Download PDF.

This is indeed an interesting time to chair the BAMSL Minorities in the Legal Profession (MILP) Committee. Nationally, many are asking questions about the role of lawyers and courts to end discrimination in its varied forms. Across the state, bar associations are developing committees and surveys to quantify and increase diversity within the legal profession, while lawyers legislate and litigate racially charged topics like wrongful conviction and Critical Race Theory in our schools.

Locally, questions have risen regarding the responsibility of area law schools in cultivating respect for diversity. All this is happening while we attempt to adjust to a seemingly unending swarm of changing guidelines and mandates in order to safely navigate the continuation of COVID.

Throughout it all, the BAMSL MILP committee has remained steadfast in our effort to provide our colleagues with relevant programs and continuing education. In December, we hosted our first CLE, "Pursuing Expungements Under Missouri Law," where we trained more than 40 attorneys to assist St. Louisans seeking seal of criminal records.

This month, we will host a virtual panel discussion on diversifying the federal bench. On Feb. 8, "Behind The Bench: A Conversation on Diversity and Judicial Clerkships," will feature a conversation with three Black federal law clerks, including Tiffany Wright, who clerked for Justice Sonia Sotomayor at the Supreme Court of the United States. We hope this discussion arms law students and young attorneys from diverse socioeconomic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds typically underrepresented in the legal profession with tools to discover and secure judicial clerkships in the chamber of federal and state, trial and appellate courts.

MILP will conclude the month honoring diverse members of our local bench—Hon. David Mason and Hon. Anne-Marie Clarke—as we welcome them to BAMSL's Gallery of Legal Pioneers for their substantial contributions as African American members of our local judiciary.

While I am proud of MILP's accomplishments throughout the year, I also understand our commitment to diversity requires that we continue to discuss new ideas and expand our reach to a growing public, including but not only attorneys.

A few questions come to mind — is it possible for BAMSL to support the "fair and impartial administration of justice" as its anti-discrimination statement maintains? When will we encourage discussion on the ways that the law disproportionately affects some communities? Are we using technology to facilitate legal assistance for communities who traditionally have not had access to legal services? Does our programming reflect current attitudes about gender and sexual orientation? Are we thinking about people with disabilities when we host these discussions? What more can we do? — I have my opinions.

As we celebrate Black History Month, the MILP Committee will recognize the rich history of diversity in the metropolitan St. Louis legal community while rigorously asking deeper questions that propel us forward. We hope you join us, this month and beyond.



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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.