
The Value of the Bench & Bar Conference, June 1-3 - Recent News


Posted by: Robert "Bob" Tomaso on Mar 1, 2022

Since its founding in 1874, the two most important goals of our bar association have been to promote civility among our members, and to provide educational opportunities for those members. If there is one thing that I have realized from my time in your bar association’s leadership ranks, it is the amazing way our local judges at both the state and federal levels support our association. It makes sense if you think about it (which I never did), in that the judges benefit greatly by having a civilized bar, and hence fewer spats over which they must referee.

The second thing I have learned, and it is related to the first point, is the incredible value our members receive from participating in the annual Bench & Bar conference, to be held this year from June 1-3 at Camden on the Lake. In fact, both attendees and sponsors receive great value from being part of Bench & Bar.

During my year as President-Elect, when Bench & Bar was entirely remote in 2020, sponsors actually received more value than normal because their videos and other ads were shown repeatedly, including during breaks between presentations. In 2021, we delayed the conference until August, and had a great turnout. Forty-six judges attended the conference, and, well, “what happens at the Lake stays at the Lake.” If you want to know, you will need to attend.

My term as President is mercifully over effective at Law Day (May 2, which will feature former U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill as our keynote speaker), but my friend Anne Marie Brockland will preside at this year’s Bench & Bar, and she has prepared an amazing agenda:

    1. A fascinating panel about the litigation over the Rams move, featuring the lawyers involved in the case.
    2. Our keynote speaker will be a man who was wrongfully convicted of murder, was in prison for 30 years, and who was freed by the Innocence Project.
    3. Missouri voters approved a constitutional amendment to expand Missouri’s Medicaid system. Lawyers Joel Ferber, Chuck Hatfield and Lowell Pearson made sure it stuck.
    4. Several members of the Missouri Supreme Court, who missed last year’s event due to the rescheduling, will attend Bench & Bar this year.
    5. Richard Scherrer, Charlie Weiss and Bev Hauber, all of the Missouri Coalition for the Right to Counsel, which supplements the state’s public defender’s office, will speak on their efforts.

We will also have a “speed dating” event with judges.

Our entertainment includes a pub crawl, a Sustaining Members Only Boat excursion Wednesday evening (well worth the $100 extra donation it takes to become a sustaining member); a “Silent” Disco, and the usual tracks of family law, trial law and our young lawyer division (YLD) track.

How can we help and what can you do?

  1. WE NEED SPONSORS. We need attendees. Anyone who manages an associate should send that associate. They will learn a great deal and greatly enhance their network.
  2. The hotel sells out, overflow is at The Four Seasons. This is always an early sellout. Book now or do not complain.

I hope to see you at Camden on the Lake on June 1.


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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.