
Nominating Committee Report for the 2020-2021 Bar Year Election - Recent News


Posted by: Michael Gunn on Jan 1, 2020

2020 Elections Information


Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis
Nominating Committee Report
2020-2021 Bar Year
Michael Gunn, Chair

Effective November 2014 the by-laws of the Association provide for the appointment of a nominating committee to include diverse representation from the Women in the Legal Profession Section, Minorities in the Legal Profession, Young Lawyer’s Division, and the Past Presidents as well as three Presidential appointments.

In May 2019, BAMSL President Sara Neill appointed Michael Gunn as the chair of the 2020-21 Nominating Committee, Ed Dowd continued a two-year term and Hon. Nicole Zellweger was appointed to a two-year term by President Neill. Additional committee members include:

Andrea McNairy – appointed by Women in the Legal Profession Section

Hon. Craig Higgins – appointed by Minorities in the Legal Profession Section

Gerry Ortbals – appointed to the Committee by the Past Presidents

Erica Slater – appointed by the Young Lawyer’s Division

The committee held their first meeting on July 15, 2019 to review the by-laws change and outline the committee charge. A lengthy discussion occurred about the process, the need to assure all BAMSL Members are informed about the process, and to ensure every effort was made to make the committee process open and accessible. Subsequent meetings were held on September 16, 2019, October 2, 2019, and October 31, 2019 with committee interviews of the candidates conducted on October 2, 2019 and October 31, 2019. The candidates interviewed were diverse, well-qualified and demonstrated a commitment to the mission of the bar association. In carrying out our work as a committee, we were guided by the principle that BAMSL's Executive Board should be, to the extent possible, qualified and representative of the diverse elements of the Association's membership including, but not limited to, age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, geography, and areas and types of practice and have a willingness to commit time, energy and talents to BAMSL. We believe our recommended slate of candidates is reflective of that.

Following the interview process and vetting of the candidates, the following recommendations are submitted by the Nominating Committee for 2020-21 elections:

2020-21 President-Elect – Robert (Bob) Tomaso

2020-21 Vice President – Apollo Carey

2020-21 Secretary – Anne Marie Brockland

2020-21 Treasurer – Kevin Gunn

ABA Delegate – Hon. Jason Sengheiser

President – President-Elect Retired Judge Glenn Norton will assume Presidency on May 1, 2020


Respectfully submitted,
Michael Gunn
Chair, BAMSL Nominating Committee


2020 Elections Information



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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.