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Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Dec 1, 2020

Many words can describe 2020. One word that comes to mind for BAMSL is “pivot.” Like so many other organizations, BAMSL and our affiliates, members and law firms have become quite adept at pivoting to adapt to the ever-changing world in which we currently live. Working together, we have accomplished amazing things throughout the COVID-19 crisis, even when we were forced to social distance and visit virtually.

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Nov 1, 2020

Now that we are in November, the holiday season is suddenly upon us. This strange and different year leads us to what will be strange and different holiday celebrations. Thanksgiving will be here soon, followed by all of the wonderful end-of-year holidays. The question for a lot of families is whether we get together like we always have, or do we change our way of celebrating? 

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Oct 21, 2020

The fact that our judges appear on the ballot is a surprise to many voters. Often, voters do not take the time to find out about the judges who are up for retention. Many voters are honest, and admit that, "I didn't know any of them, so I just skipped that part of the ballot." Or, even worse, "I didn't know any of them, so I just voted 'no.'"

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Oct 1, 2020

If you mention "family law" to a group of lawyers and judges at a social gathering, you will see most of them looking for the exit. The view from outside this area of practice and into the courtrooms of those judges who handle these cases is not one that shouts, "Come on in. This is fun!" But as lawyers and judges, we often are required to help litigants with matters that are essential, and life-changing, whether they are "fun" or not. This is never more true than in the family law arena.

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Sep 1, 2020

I want to express my gratitude to each of you for renewing or becoming a new member of BAMSL. Your membership reflects your desire to further enhance your legal career and your commitment to helping the legal community make an impact in the St. Louis Metropolitan region. 

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Aug 6, 2020

I hope you saw the "Zoomin' on a BAMSL Afternoon" video (check your emails from July 9, 2020, if you missed it). You will see that our Executive Director Zoe Linza tried to sneak out of town early, but fortunately Bill Bay was there to remind her that she cannot be replaced – at least not yet.

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Jul 1, 2020

We all know that the last few months have taken a toll on many—both mentally and emotionally. As leaders, it is our responsibility to find ways to help overcome the setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on Jun 1, 2020

Although the 2020-21 BAMSL bar year did not start out exactly as everyone had envisioned, I continue to be impressed with what BAMSL leadership, staff and members have been able to accomplish as we all work remotely.

Posted by: Hon. Glenn Norton on May 1, 2020

I am honored to be serving as president of BAMSL for the 2020-21 bar year. I thank my predecessor, Sara G. Neill, who has done a phenomenal job of leading BAMSL for the past year, but particularly through the last three challenging months.

Posted by: Sara Neill on Apr 1, 2020

The week before the St. Louis region's "Stay at Home" orders, limitations on the number of people who may attend social gatherings, and the closure of restaurant dining rooms, I took a road trip with my immediate family and some friends to western Texas and New Mexico.

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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.