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Posted by: Justin Strayhorn on Feb 2, 2022

Representation in any walk of life is a very important factor, which should not be undervalued. That representation also is an additional reason diversity, equity and inclusion are invaluable, particularly in the legal field.

Posted by: Brandon Jackson on Feb 1, 2022

This is indeed an interesting time to chair the BAMSL Minorities in the Legal Profession (MILP) Committee. Nationally, many are asking questions about the role of lawyers and courts to end discrimination in its varied forms. Across the state, bar associations are developing committees and surveys to quantify and increase diversity within the legal profession, while lawyers legislate and litigate racially charged topics like wrongful conviction and Critical Race Theory in our schools.

Posted by: Robert "Bob" Tomaso on Jan 5, 2022

If you are like me, you might have assumed that one reason the Dred and Harriett Scott case is so well known is that it was unique in American jurisprudence. Surely, it must have been rare for an enslaved couple living in a slave state in the 1840s to have the courage to sue their master in a court of law for their freedom? Think again.

Posted by: Brad Paubel on Dec 22, 2021

Law firms make rich targets for ransomware attacks because they are entrusted with so much sensitive information. That can prove irresistible to hackers, who are increasingly organized and sophisticated in their approach. Thankfully, there are ways lawyers and law firms can protect themselves to both prevent a ransomware attack and even stop one that is in progress before a situation becomes dire.

Posted by: Justin Strayhorn on Dec 22, 2021

As we all know, COVID and the pandemic have had a huge effect on how the world operates and how we do things from day to day. Adjusting to the new normal has allowed The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL) and the BAMSL Young Lawyers Division (YLD), to continue in their mission to reach and engage young lawyers while also helping the community at large.

Posted by: Hon. Susan Block on Dec 22, 2021

I have been blessed with several invaluable mentors in my legal career. Hopefully you have, too. Mentoring lawyers is critical to the future of our profession, and a topic worth revisiting.

Posted by: Susan Sagarra on Dec 22, 2021

Humility and service — with a dose of self-deprecation thrown in — is a way of life for Jeffery McPherson, a partner at Armstrong Teasdale LLP.

Posted by: Ashleigh Johnson on Dec 22, 2021

A colleague once described a vacation he took. He detailed with great enthusiasm how he really enjoyed the Airbnb he and his wife rented for a week because it had an extra bedroom that allowed him to set up an entirely separate office. That way, his work did not interfere with their "vacation time."

Posted by: Robert "Bob" Tomaso on Dec 8, 2021

The year 2021 began exactly the same way 2020 ended: Virtually.

Posted by: Christina Moore on Nov 1, 2021

I was thrilled when Bob Tomaso offered me the opportunity to write this month's President's column in celebration of women lawyers. While not knowing then exactly how best to express my gratitude to all our amazing women leaders, as I sit here in the shade at my daughter's softball game, I feel like I can sense their leadership and strength.

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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.