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Posted by: Hon. Susan Block on Oct 6, 2021

Darryl is in the County's juvenile detention center for questioning. There is an attempt to reach his parents. A deputy juvenile officer is present with the watered-down Miranda form used for investigations, and after his rights are read to him, he initials each one. One of those rights is the right to counsel. He waives that right.

Posted by: Gail Wechsler on Oct 6, 2021

It has been a trying time for those in the legal profession. With so many attorneys working from home for many months, new challenges and new opportunities both have come into play. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Law Library Association of St. Louis has been here. Even when we were physically closed to the public, we have offered services remotely to attorneys and members of the public.

Posted by: Hallie Van Duren on Oct 5, 2021

The theme of all of our activities for the past year and a half has been adaptability, and our plans for the annual BAMSL Motion for Kids holiday party are no exception. Prior to 2020, Motion for Kids was a massive holiday party attended by thousands of children in the foster care system or affected by the criminal justice system. The children, with their families and caregivers, attended the party to participate in a variety of games and crafts, visits with Santa, be treated to live entertainment, and refreshments. The children left with a gift specifically selected for them by a sponsor from the St. Louis legal community.

Posted by: Susan Sagarra on Oct 5, 2021

Good is always on the horizon and one can always find positivity and beauty in everything, even in the worst of times. That is the message from — and life motto of — internationally renowned artist Preston Jackson, who has created what will become the Freedom Suits Memorial Statue at the St. Louis Civil Courts building.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on Oct 4, 2021

We recently had our firm picnic where both adults and children in attendance could participate in a wide variety of activities and games, including kickball, washers, cornhole, a hula hoop contest, and an obstacle course relay. Prizes were given out to the winner of each event. In many areas of life, success is perceived by wins and losses. This is true for the activities that we participated in during the firm picnic and in the practice of law. In a law practice, success might be measured by having the judge rule in favor of your client at trial or an associate billing the firm mandatory number of hours.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on Oct 4, 2021

BAMSL's Well-Being Committee is challenging all members to get some outside time enjoying the wonderful fall weather and explore some of St. Louis' beauty during the month of October. Get out and explore your neighborhood park or do a destination walk/hike/run. Take a picture of your hiking buddy (two- or four-legged), or a captivating nature shot. Send it to the Well-Being Committee at and it will be posted on BAMSL's social media pages each week. Let's get outside and improve our physical well-being.

Posted by: Hon. Lawrence Mooney, Donald Wilkerson & Douglas Beach on Oct 4, 2021

This past year and a half has brought about many changes in the way the world conducts nearly every interpersonal activity. And the universe of mediation and arbitration has been no exception. To gain some insights into how professional mediators and arbitrators have been impacted by the shift to virtual sessions, and how they manage lawyers and clients in this new environment, we spoke to three retired judges who now serve as civilian mediators.

Posted by: Paul Venker on Oct 4, 2021

It has been my honor and pleasure to get to know a great American artist craftsman, Preston Jackson, during the prior six years in my role as chair of the Freedom Suits Memorial Steering Committee. His avocations and career have been steeped in artistic expression in music, painting sculpture, and more.

Posted by: Josh Hall on Aug 1, 2021

The 2021 BAMSL Golf Outing at Greenbriar Hills Country Club in Kirkwood, Mo., was a success and "back to normal." This year's event sold out weeks before the event took place on June 14, 2021.

Posted by: Ilham Matiker on Aug 1, 2021

Having a career that interests me has never been an issue for me; picking between two career paths has been the challenge. I find myself bouncing between medicine and law, two careers that fill me with passion.

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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.