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Posted by: Chelsea Merta on Jul 14, 2021

As courts work their way through the logistics of bringing back the "normal" that we knew before the global pandemic, one question stays ever-present in my head: Why?

Posted by: Whittney Dunn on Jul 1, 2021

Spiritual Well-Being is defined by the Institute for Well-Being in Law as developing a sense of meaningfulness and purpose in all aspects of life.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on Jun 2, 2021

Believe it or not, reading is a great way to reduce stress. I'm not talking about reading long briefs or Supreme Court judgments, but instead, I'm talking about reading for pleasure. Reading increases vocabulary, empathy and creativity. And, according to a study by the University of Sussex, reading six minutes a day can reduce stress levels by 68%, can decrease blood pressure and lower your heart rate; all of which improve your overall health and well-being.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on May 7, 2021

Feel Well (emotional well-being)—Valuing emotions. Developing an ability to identify and manage emotions for health, to achieve goals, and to inform decisions. Seeking help for mental health when needed.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on May 6, 2021

Today's theme is CONNECT: social well-being which is building connection, belonging, and a reliable support network; contributing to our groups and communities.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on May 5, 2021

5/5 theme: Engage & Grow (intellectual/career well-being) seeking personal satisfaction, continuous learning and growth in our professional and personal lives, and financial stability. Engaging in creative or intellectually challenging activities that foster ongoing development and monitoring cognitive wellness.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on May 4, 2021

Every day this week (except for yesterday, because I forgot) I will be sending an email with a daily well-being theme and some prompts for do this, read this, and watch this.

Posted by: Carolyn Whittington on May 1, 2021

{Public} The Institute for Well-Being in Law defines intellectual well-being as the charge to "engage in continuous learning. Pursue creative or intellectually challenging activities that foster ongoing development. Monitor cognitive wellness."

Posted by: Alexandria Shah on Mar 10, 2021

Too often we push through deadlines and go through the motions without asking why. Why are we doing this work? Why did we choose to go into the legal profession? What is it that we are hoping to achieve?

Posted by: Ashleigh Johnson on Feb 10, 2021

In normal, non pandemic years, there is a point where our stress is so bad that we just hate everyone. Not are "mildly irritated" and "annoyed" with people, but literally loathe every person who crosses our path. So on the "hate" days, I recommend the "Campsite Rule".

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