

Note: This month's past events are hidden. Click to view all events.
CLE: Courtroom Security Update | September Monthly Free Member CLE (CLE, BAMSL Event, Featured Events)
Presented by the Criminal Law and Trial Sections
Wed 9/25/2024 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CT
**SAVE THE DATE** Cannabis Law Committee CLE (CLE, BAMSL Event, CLE: One Hour, CLE: Free CLE)
Fri 10/18/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
FREE SPONSORED MEMBER CLE and Happy Hour: A Day in the Life of John Doe, A Journey as Told by His iPhone (CLE, CLE: One Hour, Social Event)
Sponsored by Lexitas and Virtual IT
Thu 10/24/2024 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM CT
CLE: TTAB Year-in-Review (CLE, CLE: One Hour)
Tue 10/29/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
FREE MEMBER CLE: Intersection of Family Law and Immigration (CLE, CLE: One Hour)
Presented by the Family and Juvenile Law Section and the Immigration Committee
Tue 11/12/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
2025 Judge Kintz Memorial Bench & Bar Conference (BAMSL Event, Bench & Bar Annual Conference, CLE, CLE: Elimination of Bias/Cultural Competency, CLE: Half or Full Day, CLE: Professionalism, Ethics, Malpractice Prevent, Featured Events)
Wed 5/28/2025 - Fri 5/30/2025

BAMSL operates as a non-profit organization which aims to provide valuable educational opportunities and events to our members and the legal community at large. We carefully consider rates to ensure they remain accessible and reasonable for our members. The proceeds from CLE programs and BAMSL events are dedicated to sustaining our mission and the numerous services and initiatives we extend to the legal community and the broader public. We express our gratitude for your ongoing support.

Event Attendance Policies

The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis ("BAMSL") hosts a variety of events, seminars, meetings, and activities ("Event(s)") for member and non-member attendance and participation. By attending an Event all participants hereby affirm, acknowledge, and agree to the following:

  1. The participant agrees to abide by BAMSL's Code of Conduct.
  2. The participant acknowledges that BAMSL may take photos, video recordings, and/or audio recordings of participants throughout the Event. These photos and video recordings are for BAMSL use and may appear on the BAMSL website, newsletter, brochures, magazine, broadcasts, streaming, social media platforms, or future BAMSL promotional material. BAMSL may also share photos, video recordings, and/or audio recordings with news organizations for publication online, in print, or broadcast. By attending the Event the participant consents to usage of their likeness and/or voice in all such media without compensation. The participant acknowledges and agrees that BAMSL, and its successors and assigns, is the sole owner of all copyrights, literary rights, and similar rights to such media.
  3. The participant agrees to release and hold-harmless BAMSL and its agents, employees, officers, members, contractors, and vendors from and against all claims for damages and liability resulting from any claims of negligence or gross negligence for exposure to any viral or bacterial agents and the resulting illnesses therefrom, such as COVID-19, while attending the Event.
  4. The participant agrees that they will not attend the Event if they have a temperature of 100.4° F or above, or have exhibited any other symptoms of COVID-19 within the 14 days prior to the Event, including cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, new loss of taste or smell, and other symptoms as listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Cancellation Policy
It is BAMSL's policy to collect payment for events, meetings, and seminars prior to admittance to the event. If payment is not made during registration for the event then you will be required to pay upon check-in at the event. BAMSL may collect an administrative fee for registration cancellations or transfers made within seven (7) days of an event: $10 for one-hour CLE seminars, $25 for half-day CLE seminars and ticketed social and membership events, and $50 for full-day CLE seminars and conferences. Due to the cost of catering, no refunds will be given for pre-ordered meals unless BAMSL received the cancellation request at least seven (7) days prior to the event. All registration change, cancellation, and refund requests should be made in writing.

Views are those of the presenter
Views expressed during BAMSL events, CLEs, or in publications belong solely to the person(s) expressing them. The content of presentations or publications is not and should not be considered BAMSL taking any stance on the subject matter of the presentation or article. Content presented is not to be considered legal advice.


BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.