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Posted by: J. Rixey Ruffin on Apr 7, 2020

We are being called to help in this time of crisis. Local health care professionals working in hospitals and otherwise on the front lines against coronavirus have been reaching out to BAMSL asking for assistance with their estate planning. BAMSL President Sara Neill created a special task force to respond to this plea, and I write as one of the chairs of that task force.

Posted by: Sara Neill on Apr 1, 2020

The week before the St. Louis region's "Stay at Home" orders, limitations on the number of people who may attend social gatherings, and the closure of restaurant dining rooms, I took a road trip with my immediate family and some friends to western Texas and New Mexico.

Posted by: Danny Barnett-Foster on Apr 1, 2020

Forty-two percent of the survey respondents indicated they felt they needed mental health intervention, but 45% would not seek help, believing it would threaten their ability to be admitted to the bar. At the same time, 63% of respondents reported that the potential threat to bar admissions was a factor discouraging them from seeking services for substance use.

Posted by: Ellen (Nellie) Ribaudo on Mar 25, 2020

As a member of BAMSL, I have been inspired by the focus on service to others as a way of making us better lawyers. BAMSL encourages its members to provide service through using their legal skills to help those who are in need.

Posted by: Sara Neill on Mar 20, 2020

We wanted to reach out and assure each of you that leadership and staff of The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL) are doing everything we can to continue providing excellent service while also being mindful of everyone's safety and health.

Posted by: Danny Barnett-Foster on Mar 18, 2020

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) has posted encouraging words to help manage the uncertainty and anxiety surrounding COVID-19 (coronavirus). The AFSP reminds us that "we can always choose our response" to stressful situations.

Posted by: Colleen Vetter on Mar 11, 2020

What does BAMSL do for me? That is the question, right? I am a lawyer, you are a lawyer, or other professional working in the legal field. Or you are a lawyer like me, working as a professional but not as a lawyer. So what have you got for ME, BAMSL?

Posted by: Susan Sagarra on Mar 5, 2020

The St. Louis Bar Journal, the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis’ (BAMSL) quarterly scholarly publication, is seeking proposals from parties interested in serving as Editor-In-Chief. This is a voluntary position that would work in conjunction with BAMSL’s Staff in producing the four issues a year. Proposals must be submitted by April 3, 2020.

Posted by: Jennifer Macke on Mar 5, 2020

With employers struggling to find talent in a tight labor market, BAMSL's Legal Placement Service is a popular member benefit.

Posted by: Danny Barnett-Foster on Mar 4, 2020

The "and practice" is a new one that I look forward to integrating with my mindfulness practice in 2020…and beyond.

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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.