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Posted by: Robert "Bob" Tomaso on Apr 1, 2022

When the BAMSL staff informed me that I could write a stream of consciousness wrap-up article for my final President's column, I asked how that would be any different from the other columns I have written? Well, this column is supposed to highlight accomplishments of our one-year tenure. Hence, it should be a very brief column.

Posted by: Rebecca Hedrick on Apr 1, 2022

The Saint Louis Bar Foundation, the charitable arm of The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), has announced it will provide grant funding to organizations that advance or promote the rule of law. The Foundation will consider grant applications until July 1, 2022, for up to $5,000 for innovative projects that address  needs in the metropolitan St. Louis region.

Posted by: Susan Sagarra on Mar 31, 2022

Thanks to the incredible generosity of the law firm Dowd Bennett LLP, $100,000 was distributed during the first quarter of 2022 to several area organizations that feed the hungry. Dowd Bennett donated the funds to The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis’ (BAMSL) and the Saint Louis Bar Foundation’s St. Louis Attorneys Against Hunger (STLAAH) initiative.

Posted by: Susan Sagarra on Mar 29, 2022

Congratulations to Kirkwood High School, which won the Missouri High School Mock Trial Competition last weekend and will represent Missouri at the National High School Mock Trial Championship. Congratulations also to Clayton High School, which finished second.

Posted by: Rodney Sippel on Mar 15, 2022

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri currently has two Judicial vacancies posted, one to succeed U.S. Magistrate Judge Nannette A. Baker and the other to succeed U.S. Magistrate Judge David D. Noce. Judge Baker is retiring in February 2023 and Judge Noce is retiring in May 2023. Applications will be received until May 2, 2022, and I encourage you to apply.

Posted by: Robert "Bob" Tomaso on Mar 1, 2022

Since its founding in 1874, the two most important goals of our bar association have been to promote civility among our members, and to provide educational opportunities for those members. If there is one thing that I have realized from my time in your bar association’s leadership ranks, it is the amazing way our local judges at both the state and federal levels support our association. It makes sense if you think about it (which I never did), in that the judges benefit greatly by having a civilized bar, and hence fewer spats over which they must referee.

Posted by: Danny Barnett-Foster on Feb 22, 2022

The Digital Marketing Specialist is responsible for managing BAMSL's and The St. Louis Bar Foundation's websites, as well as developing, administering and tracking electronic communications for the association and overseeing and executing the development, production and maintenance of electronic and web-based communications, including social media, website, and email communications. The position will report to the Assistant Executive Director of Membership/Marketing and will work closely with other staff and the Executive Director. The position is expected to perform all responsibilities with a commitment to providing superior service to the association's attorneys and professional staff and must be able to interact with all levels within the association.

Posted by: Amy Rebecca Johnson on Feb 3, 2022

A Facebook memory of a post I made in 2013 popped up when I was checking my timeline earlier today. It said, "When it comes to setting long term goals, I'm not the best. I tend to be more of a 'take things as they come' type of person. This morning I was gently reminded to focus on 'by design and not default.' This doesn't mean that everything needs to be mapped out and planned, but it does mean that focusing on what I want will ensure that my life is not by default. It seems simple, but it is a reminder of why people who have both similar and different strengths from us are important. Thanks for helping me push on."

Posted by: Alexus Williams on Feb 3, 2022

In 2022, we like to think that we have mastered the implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion. But much like the practice of law, there is no such thing as "mastering" the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion, just continuous practice to create improvement. The goal is to get better, not be perfect.

Posted by: Justin Strayhorn on Feb 2, 2022

Representation in any walk of life is a very important factor, which should not be undervalued. That representation also is an additional reason diversity, equity and inclusion are invaluable, particularly in the legal field.

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BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.