
Saint Louis Bar Foundation

The Saint Louis Bar Foundation is the charitable arm of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis and is a separate legal entity and a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. EIN: 43-0813495.

Mission Statement

The Saint Louis Bar Foundation promotes the Rule of Law and the administration of justice in both our society and within the legal profession. The Foundation seeks to improve the administration of justice in our community through law related education directed to citizens as well as through charitable undertakings. The Foundation is committed to strengthening the legal profession by encouraging attorneys to practice with the highest level of professionalism and civility and to engage in meaningful community service.

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Grant Application (Due April 1, 2024)

Kerry C. Wofford

Immediate Past President

U.S. Title

Christina Lewis Abate


The Bar Plan Mutual Insurance Company

Robert M. Sears


Prof. Carol Needham


Saint Louis University School of Law

Patrick Chavez

Board Member

Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.

Martin L. Perron

Board Member

The Perron Law Firm, PC

John G. Simon

Board Member

The Simon Law Firm PC

Edward L. Dowd Jr.

Board Member

Dowd Bennett LLP

Paul N. Venker

Board Member

Baker Sterchi Cowden & Rice LLC

Hon. Michael W. Noble

Board Member

22nd Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri

Hon. Jason D. Dodson

Board Member

St. Louis County Circuit Court

Allison J. Price

Board Member

Bryan Cave Leighton Pasiner

Lisa S. Hoppenjans

Board Member

Washington University School of Law

Ryan Krupp

BAMSL YLD Chairperson

Krupp Law Firm, LLC

Courtney Green

BAMSL YLD Representative

The Center for Family Law

Kevin Gunn

BAMSL President


Untress "Trez" Quinn

BAMSL President-Elect

Armstrong Teasdale LLP

Susan McCourt Baltz

Executive Director


Jennifer L. Schwendemann

Board Member

Littler Mendelson, PC


Hon. Jason Sengheiser

Board Member

St. Louis City Circuit Court


Morgan Murphy

Board Member

Zevan Davidson Roman LLC

Christina Lewis Abate

Kerry C. Wofford

Jennifer Schwendemann

Patrick Chavez

Paul N. Venker

Hon. Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr.

Maurice B. Graham

John R. Barsanti, Jr.

James E. McDaniel

Marie A. Kenyon

Lori W. Jones

Howard A. Shalowitz

Joan M. Swartz

William R. Bay

Dennis J. Capriglione

Carol Chazen Friedman

Reuben A. Shelton

Tracy H. Gilroy

Kathleen S. Schoene

Deirdre O. Smith

Terrance J. Good

Richard B. Teitelman

McPherson D. Moore

Michael P. Gunn

H. Kent Munson

Lionel L. Lucchesi

H. Kent Munson

Lionel L. Lucchesi

Charles A. Weiss

Maury B. Poscover

Charles P. Todt

Anthony Sestric

Paul Denk

Michael Walther

Robert Proost

Charles Werner

Edgar T. Farmer

John Fox Arnold

Michael N. Newmark

Frank E. Vigus

Harold C. Gaebe

John Baird

Milton Greenfeld, Jr.

Robert O. Hetlage

John R. Barsanti, Jr.

Rexford H. Caruthers

John C. Shepherd

George S. Roudebush

F. William McCalpin

John H. Lashly

Herbert E. Barnard

Wayne B. Wright

John A. Arnold

Richard D. Shewmaker

Platinum Fellow
David Crawford
John G. Simon
Paul Venker

Golden Fellow
John Fox Arnold
Charles Beard
G Harley Blosser
J Bennett Clark
Gerard Carmody
Doreen Dodson
Edward L. Filippine
Genevieve Frank
Joseph Frank
Joseph P. Giljum
Maurice B. Graham
Michael P. Gunn
Heather Hays
James P. Holloran
Lori Jones
Zoe Linza
Murry A. Marks
James McDaniel
Robert L. Nussbaumer
Maury B. Poscover
Robert F. Ritter
Donald J. Sher
Anthony J. Soukenik
Robert Tomaso
Lynn Ann Vogel
Kenneth K. Vuylsteke
Michael C. Walther
E. Richard Webber

Distinguished Sustaining Fellow
William R. Bay
Paul M. Brown
Paul M. Denk
C Marshall Friedman
Ernest W. James
Charlene Kass
Mark H. Levison
Stephen N. Limbaugh, Sr.
Lionel L. Lucchesi
David F. Neiers
Charles F. Ohmer
Maria Perron
Martin Perron
Robert L. Proost
Jerry E. Ritter
Jennifer Schwendemann
Charles A. Weiss

Distinguished Fellow
Erica L. Airsman
Cynthia L. Albin
Eric K. Banks
Daniel G. Barnett-Foster
Keith A. Birkes
David N. Bohrer
Kaitlin Bridges
Sharon E. Burke
Thomas M. Burke
Dennis J. Capriglione
John H. Cassidy
Thomas A. Cipolla
Edward A. Cohen
Morry S. Cole
Alan E,. DeWoskin
M Graham Dobbs
Jason Dodson
Don M. Downing
Francis X. Duda
George L. Fitzsimmons
Patrick M. Flachs
Patricia A. Flood
Anna C. Forder
Deirdre C. Gallagher
Gretchen Garrison
Thomas P. Germeroth
Mary S. Gillespie
Sara W. Gillette
Trach H. Gilroy
Terrance J. Good
Patrick J. Hagerty
David M. Harding
James L Hawkins
Seth J Hawkins
Lisa A Herder
Ben Hodges
Cynthia S. Holmes
J Neil Huber
Craig S. Ingraham
Kristine Kerr
John Kilo
Edward C. Kruse
Paul G. Lane
Joan Lockwood
Joseph P. Logan
Janette M. Lohman
Thomas E. Loraine
Jeffrey J. Lowe
Lisa G. Moore
McPherson D. Moore
Joan L. Moriarty
Michael Mullen
H. Kent Munson
Joseph G. Nassif
Thomas K. Neill
James M. Niemann
Thomas J. Noonan
Steven R. Ohmer
Gerald R. Ortbals
Joseph T. Porter
William Ray Price
A. Christian Puzder
Daniel A. Raniere
Randall J. Reinker
Lynn Ricci
Nancy R. Richards
Stephen H. Ringkamp
James J. Robinson
Jason Sapp
Robert M. Sears
Howard A. Shalowitz
Ryan S. Shaughnessy
Reuben A. Shelton
Stephen W. Skrainka
Arthur L. Smith
Cathy Steele
Alan J. Steinberg
Kathy A. Surratt-States
Joan M. Swartz
Erwin O. Switzer
Kent Syverud
Michael C. Todt
Angela Turner Quigless
Paul L. Vogel
Ray T. Wagner
John S. Wallach
Nathaniel S. Walsh
Susan L. Ward
T. Michael Ward
Deborah C. Weaver
William R. Werner
Dorothy White-Coleman
Stephen R. Woodley
Mary Ann L. Wymore

Annual Fellow
Salim Awad
Michael R. Barth
Robert J. Bassett
Gilbert N. Beckmeier
Jill S. Bollwerk
Theresa A. Brennan
Wendell Brooks
Eugene Buckley
John J Casey
Patrick Chavez
Gregory Christoffel
Eric Dearmont
Jittaun Dill
Frederick W. Drakesmith
Ralph Edwards
Gary H. Feder
Kerry Feld
Susan Z. Gamble
Jill Gilbert
Michael Godar
Roger L Goldman
Jean Hamilton
Jennifer Hansen
Annette Heller
Michael B. Hunter
Andrea Jackson
Dorothy Kelley
Peter J Krane
Lisa Larkin
Jeffrey E. Lewis
Stephen Limbaugh, Jr.
Martin Lipsitz
John Lord
John Mahon
W. Dudley McCarter
Karen R. McCarthy
Mary McFarland
Mary-Louise Moran
Philip I. Morse
Joseph F. Mueller
Carol Needham
Morton R. Newman
Thomas L. Orris
Matthew E. Pelikan
Paul Petruska
Thomas E. Pulliam
Glenn K. Robbins
Daniel T. Ryan
Steven P. Sanders
Donald L. Schlapprizzi
Paul J Simon, Sr.
Ralph Soebbing
Michael Sullivan
Thomas Sweeney
Kenneth F. Teasdale
Marilyn S. Teitelbaum
Mavis T. Thompson
Lucy Unger
Barbara Wallace
Steven S. Wasserman
Amy Williams
Theodore J. Williams
Harry B. Wilson

In Memoriam of passed Foundation Fellows:
Don Ainsworth
Francis L Barkofske
John R (Jack) Barsanti
Joseph E Birk
Leonard P Cervantes
Carol Chazen Friedman
Rory Ellinger
Edgar T Farmer
Thomas Farnam
Frankie Freeman
Carl R Gaertner
William G Guerri
Thomas J Guilfoil
Whitney R Harris
Richard A Hetlage
James E Hullverson Sr.
John Larsen Sr.
Jack C Lorenz
F William McCalpin
James Francis McCartney
John Mellitz
Mardi Montello
James M. Neville
Paul J Passanante
Philip B Polster
Fred M Reichman
Louis W Riethmann
Anthony J Sestric
Daniel E Singer
Gerald Monroe Smith
Joseph G Stewart
Richard B Teitelman
Charles P Todt
Alphonso H Voorhees
William L Weiss
Charles A Werner

  • Motion for Kids

    Motion for Kids (MFK) provides an annual holiday party each December for children in the St. Louis metropolitan area whose lives have been affected by the justice system. In 2023, we hosted this party on December 2 and served nearly 1,900 kids. We work with various organizations who provide the first names and wish lists of children and members of the legal industry purchase gifts from the list to be given to the kids at the party.
  • St. Louis Attorneys Against Hunger

    St. Louis Attorneys Against Hunger, an initiative of The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis with support from the Saint Louis Bar Foundation, unites lawyers and other legal professionals with the St. Louis community to fight against homelessness and hunger in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
  • High School Mock Trial

    The High School Mock Trial annual program provides high school students the opportunity to prepare for trial and to try a civil or criminal case. Local judges and lawyers volunteer to work with the trial teams and to serve as judges and evaluators during the trials. The state champion team competes at the national level. The Bar Foundation jointly runs this program with BAMSL.
  • Spirit of Justice Gala

    The purpose of the Spirit of Justice Awards (SOJ) is to recognize lawyers, non-lawyers or organizations who have demonstrated accomplishment, leadership, and integrity in fostering and maintaining the rule of law and in facilitating and promoting improvement of the administration of justice. The SOJ Awards are determined each year based on nominations received by the Foundation, and then chosen by the SOJ Awards Committee.
  • WILP Scholarship

    The Women in the Legal Profession (WILP) Scholarship is awarded annually to a law student in an internship with a qualified, metropolitan area organization. Preference is given to applicants whose internships involve legal issues affecting women, including domestic issues such as violence and child custody, but also others such as gender fairness.
  • Grants

    Supporters of The Saint Louis Bar Foundation are aware that one of the Foundation’s most rewarding functions, as funds permit, is the awarding of grants for “innovative projects that address identifiable and unmet needs in the community.” The grant proposals from eligible non-profit organizations must, according to Foundation guidelines.
  • Freedom Suits Memorial

    This Memorial Sculpture, titled Freedom's Home, commemorates the roughly 400 slaves who petitioned the Missouri Courts for their freedom. It is be situated on the east side of the Civil Courts Building in downtown St. Louis, between it and The Old Courthouse, where most of the suits were tried.


BAMSL has been serving the St. Louis metropolitan legal community since 1874 and has more that 5,000 members.